Protect or destroy
Not going to comment much on the movie.But there are alot of cool cars!Hot chick? *lol* and i'm a little bit lost in the middle of the movie when the person sit next to me tend to ask me alot of question like i've watch the movie for the second time? or like i directed the film? :P kidding kidding! lap youh da beri beri mash! :P
Then we went to our favourite spot in bersurat stoned.Taurean.Because one of my passengers complain of having sumthing gonna terkeluar dari bontot dier!hahahahaa...oh well. i miss this place jua so kesana jua ku.Tapi i did not oder for the food just have a cold drink saja.Pasal aku mengidam wah makanan di jerudong especially the fat,red chicken ass! awu mengidam ku mengidam!! penyaya jua ih! :x
Their foods&drinks *jules no suap suap me so sad :x*
Nabil's food.. spesel hantap!
btw.. Happy belated birthday Nabil Ubaidillah! yang ke 20th!!Berusia lah kawan ku sorang ani... tinggal lah aku yg muda keseorangan.. *coughakumudalakatcough*
And last night we went to OGDC for surf's up movie! It was my first time...infact kami semua baru first time kesana for a movie!! siok jua lah siok... sejuk banget and mcm2 lagi... kehekhekhekhekhee... check out the trailer! it was radical *quoted from the high chicken*
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