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The design and master

Monday, January 21, 2008
Mcm kanak-kanak punya design saja oh? Hehehe very well! assalamualaikum semua!! apa abarnya? mcm apa saja... I am more into photoshop these days.Thanks to the PW's gang especially our CEO pw#291 for the add-ON and the skills.Gua caya lu lah beb!=x and to pw#807 jua kerana banyak membantu especially on how the particular thing works!Above,not my very first design.I picked up the best (well i think) and decided to post it up.Its for the header plg tu since masa ani urg gila membuat header.wahahahhaa..

And yeah,my fella kabans at OGDC once request to me to put someone pics.Since this someone nda kana taruh pic nya taim bisdurang ke temburung.Atas permintaan ramai terpaksa lah jua nie... =x=x (tolong jgn salah kan saya)

masak kah nda ni ah?*confuse*

masa confused di kacau nya lagi sampai karing =x

From what i heard durang yg kana hidangkan ani mengalami cirit birit pulang.Yatah c beng kuat bekantut sampai ani.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

P/s: Zati pinkey:Hehehe nanti lagi bagi teka teki.

Farah:bah tagur saja ku k, mun online atu.Kamu atu nda lagi ku tau bila ada orangnya.Krang Msn saja yg ada orangnya nada.. ehehhe =)

Nabil:Awu bro baik tah cari solution nya tu.Payah ni cani ni.. =x


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